We had an incredible visit with an assemblage of The Buckland family from the UK, Spain and New York. The numbers were beyond capacity so we supplemented with a few Emery’s Cottages and a tent in the driveway. The kids ranged from 5 months to 9 years and were great troopers on our myriad of adventures. It was an extended journey for several of the families and we are very grateful to have such a special spot to convene!
Eventide Cabin and Eventide TentWaldron Bates Fan ClubThrough Rocks of Cadillac CliffsGorham Mountain Summit TeamThe BowlGreat HeadBike and Hike to Connor’s NubbleLobster at Abel’sThree Generations through Cathedral RockThe PerchWelcome!
We had an amazing week at Eventide, filled with all the classic hikes and hangouts, but this time we got to share it with Ivy! It was her first trip to the cabin and within a minute of being there, she took her first steps in the main room! It was a big moment in the best place I could imagine for it! She spent most of our hikes in a backpack carrier, but always got out on top of the mountain for some hiking practice! Hopefully it is the beginning of a lifetime love and appreciation for this special spot!
Eventide is a magical place, and we were lucky enough to have a camera with us for some really special moments. If only the pictures could fully capture the awe of each setting.
For all the sweeping landscapes, there’s an equal amount of beauty found in the little things all around the island. And a ton of birds.
We took the kayak out to watch the sunset one night and a seal popped up really close to our boat! We’d been watching them poke their heads out of the water off in the distance, but we were still surprised one came over to check us out. Wish i had my camera on me for that!
Enjoy the pics!
-Jimi & Stephanie
Sunset at Eventide
Sunset at Eventide
Find the hearts!
Eventide rocks
Nice day for a swim
Beech Mountain
Beech Mountain
Cadillac Mountain with Bar Harbor and Porcupine Islands in the distance
Thank you Chris and Sandy for your hospitality in sharing the incredible peace and beauty of Eventide Cabin with your friends. The lobster risotto from Chris’s kitchen shares top honors with the amazing scenery of Acadia and sunsets over Frenchman’s Bay as reminders of our visits in recent years. Looking forward to Moscow Mules next time (Chris, have you been keeping those a secret?)
It’s been a great few days up here! After two amazing meals at Eventide Oyster Company in Portland, Alaina and I hiked up Parkman and Sargent Mountain, took a carriage road bike ride, rocked up (and down and up and down) Bernard and Mansell Mountains with Caitlin and Enzo and are currently enjoying our signature summer cocktail, Moscow Mule. Eventide life is good!
Sam, Enzo and I went for a great hike up Pemetic Mountain Trail and then down to Jordan Pond where we (obviously) enjoyed popovers and lemonade. Now sitting in the kitchen enjoying the views of Frenchman’s Bay. Mom did a great job redecor
Acadia National Park is a short ride from Eventide. Park visitors can enjoy a variety of hikes, walks on the beach and views from the Jordan Pond House.